Saturday, December 20, 2008

Liem's Dr Visit Results

Unfortunately the Doctor confirmed the original diagnosis. However we are not sure how extensive it is because he cannot tell us. On his retinal tissue there is some scarring. This can cause gray vison when looking things center on, or the things can appear blurry. We will not know until Liem is old enough to tell us.

She said that normally this scaring is caused early on in gestation and caused by an infection such as toxoplasmosis or cytomegalovirus (sp). Toxoplasmosis can be caused from cats or raw meat. Neither that I was near or ate (as far as I know). She said the damage is done and from this point we need to see how much was affected. They are going to do a full blood work up and possible MRI.

I am not sure how to take all of this, I mean I have been through so much with Luke that I am calm when faced with possible issues and concerns. On the other hand I think looking at Liem appeases my mind he does not show any indication of trouble with that eye, nor does he show any other complication. He is right on track developmentally and ahead in many areas. Liem says 5 words and can sign 3. Not to mention the kid is the most laid back child/person I have EVER met.

I truly put this in God's hands and pray with all my being that this is nothing more than what it is. Parents never want their children to suffer or feel pain, and when I had Luke I think I would have done anything to keep pain and suffering from him. With time and experiecne I have realized that it is not possible to protect them from everything, but only be there when they experience it. This certainly is not our first medical issue, and I am sure it is not our last.


  1. You are all most certainly in our thoughts and prayers! Really wish we were there with you. HUGS!

  2. If he's not acting like it bothers him then hopefully it's not too bad! It's terrible to feel so helpless I know. Otherwise he's a growing healthy, happy kid. And for that we all can be thankful :)
