Friday, March 6, 2009

Catch up...

Life has been a little chaotic around these parts. The Skips are on their way out and staying with us for a few days until than... We're getting sad thinking of the Good bye we will have to say shortly but trying to think of what the future will hold for our families... You'd think after all the good byes we have shared we would get better at saying them.

My actual Bday was on Monday and a good day. The big 25 was not as bad as I thought it would be. I feel accomplished for where I am but honestly I feel like time is getting away from me... Yesterday I was 22 with a new baby and today I'm 25 with a 3 1/2 yr old and 1 1/2 yr old... Even though time cannot slow down, I hope I learn to stop and absorb the moments...

Everything else is good. Boys are good. Liem's 18month well baby was this week and he is weighing in at 22pds 11oz and 32 inches long. Seems like he finally put on some weight! I weighed and measured Luke for giggles... He is 45pds and 42 1/2inches. What a big boy...

Hope everyone else is good... We will have some pictures soon!!

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