Friday, February 6, 2009

Off to the Big Island...

In the morning we are flying over to the big island for a few days... Im excited but SCARED.... I HATE flying, HATE it... I do not know when or where this phobia started but as I have avoided flights it has become worse...

I know it is only a 40minute plane ride and that is ok. However I used to only be scared of flying over the water, now I am nervous about take off's and landings... I know we will be ok and I am thinking positive thoughts but some extra prayers would be appreciated...

We have not really planned a detailed itenarary while we are there... We have some must see's and do's but since we have two little ones attending the trip we will play it by ear. We are staying at the KMC at the Volcanoe natl park. and we plan on doing a lot on the Hilo side. It will be nice to dress in our winter gear and enjoy some cold for a few days.

Luke keeps talking about the Volcanoes we will see and it makes me smile that with all the sacrafices we have made for a military life they can give us an oppurtunity to show our children, (and ourselves for that matter) a place as wonderful as Hawaii...

So anywho I will be MIA for a few days... And please say a lil prayer for my crazy irrational thoughts! :)

PS I know Lauri understands how I feel, and Angela is laughing at me! :)


  1. You know you got my prayers!!! :) Enjoy!

  2. you wil have SO much fun!!!! I love the big island and the kmc!
