Friday, June 12, 2009

The chapter is almost done...

We packed out yesterday with minor to no bumps in the road. It was easy but overwhelming at the same time. I was left looking at our life on a truck and it hit me that we really are moving... I know it sounds odd but for awhile it was just in theory... something I talked about and dreamed about. Staring it in the face forced me to face it. I have so many emotions and a huge one is sadness. Our life was here. Our children have been raised here. We have met some of the most amazing people in our lives while being in Hawaii... I read once "So much of what we know about love comes from home." I find it most true right now. This is/was our home, more importantly our first home as a family. We have grown, changed, lost, and loved here and now it will be in the past tense. I will truly always hold Hawaii in my heart. It will always hold some deep meaning and connection to our home. However as is the military we will know and love many homes. I told J yesterday that the only thing that is constant is change itself... So true.

So we face the last weekend in paradise in an empty house that needs cleaned with two busy bored children. I do however get my hubby back this evening which will be amazing. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue the move process. I got the flight itenary and it was all I could do not to fall over from fear :) Keep the prayers coming. TIA!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well I had a productive week last week finishing the scheduling of our move, the flights off the rock, and shipping Lola... We were however blind sighted by some sorta cold that put us all out of commission for the entire weekend. Luckily we didn't have anything that had to be done this weekend although we managed to get a ton done around the house. Pictures, curtains, etc are off the walls. Minor things are packed and much is separated. I feel ready for the move although I know it will take me by surprise come Thursday.

It will be a fast moving week and J gets home next Friday after graduating his MCIS course. We are ready to have him home and I am sure he is ready to be home. I am hoping for a fun, relaxing last weekend in Hawaii... Holy heck did I just say last weekend in Hawaii... I'm hoping for some beach, pool time and visiting a few restaurants we will miss. Everything is lined up, all it is going to take is getting through this week. I am praying for any and all smooth vibes or extra vibes you all can spare... We all know my fear of flying and being the fact that I have successfully not flown to the Mainland in over two years that makes this flight that much more difficult... No one can understand it unless they know it but I would appreciate some prayers for safe travels, and an uneventful move :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Growing, Growing, Growing...

Seriously where does the time go. Liem turned 21months today. In a few short months I will have a 2 year old and a 4 year old... Honestly where has it all gone... Luke had an appt today and I always knew he was on the bigger side but he measured in at 43 1/2 inches and weighed in at 43 pounds... I guess carrying him around is keeping me in shape at with those stats! :) He is still on the top of the chart at 98%. I swear the kid will be taller than me and J before we know it... On the other hand we have our tall string bean. I don't know his current stats but the kid is skinny mini I had to start buying 12month shorts again because anything bigger he takes off to easily, usually in public, lol...

It is funny the difference I see between these two.... They really are different and the same in so many ways. Liem is starting to repeat a lot of words like Dinosaur, helicopter, etc. Big words that come out somewhat close, altho I have been deciphering mumble jumble for a few years. However Liem will only do it for me, he will not do it for J on the phone, or friends he only shows his "tricks" to me where he is most comfortable, I swear strangers prbly wonder if he can talk, but it is his personality and his nature. Luke on the other hand couldn't be stopped always showing and doing tricks. I love that they have their differences and similarities because it is these things that will allow them to challenge and grow from on another down the line...